Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's a BOY!!!!

We went to our elective 3D/4D ultrasound yesterday to determin the sex of our baby. We went to The Baby Connection in Roseville and were really satisfied with our experience. The tech said she thought she knew the baby's sex within a few minutes of our ultrasound. Baby Henry is definitely a BOY! He wasn't too cooperative and was folded up like a pretzel with his legs crossed Indian syled above his head and did not want to show us his little "turtle". We tried having me lie on my sides, I gave the tech a few big, and deeo coughs, and then we pushed on my uterus but little Henry was stubborn and was not willing to move at all! It was so amazing to get to see him in 3D and he really is looking like a baby now! I am so in love with our little Henry Walker and cannot wait to hold him in my arms in September.

In celebration of our big news we went to Carter's in Roseville and bought our little man a few outfits. We are up to 12 baby clothes items :)

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