Monday, January 31, 2011

Morning Sickness

I was really hoping I was going to be one of those lucky pregnant women with the perfect skin, and hair, and no morning sickness. But today reality set in. What I thought was just a car sick feeling turned in to "move out of the way now, I am going to be sick" in a matter of hours. I am really hoping that this morning sickness is easy on me but we'll see because most women in my family are pretty sick and I think I may join them in our family tradition. On a good note we only have 16 days till our appointment with my doctor!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Greatest Deal Ever

As many of you know I really would like to breastfeed and I hope baby Huey and I are successful at it! We have been doing lots of research on the best pumps, and then out of nowhere I found a post on a message board I frequent, that Medela Freestyle breast pumps were on clearance at Target! So Tucker and I drove down to Roseville to begin our hunt! We went to 4 different Targets and they were either sold out or at regular price. So we decided it just wasn't meant to be. Then I saw another post on the message board last night where a woman told me step by step how to get the breast pump at clearance price, and guess what? It worked! So I bought the breast pump for $94, instead of $379!!!! I am so excited and cannot wait to try out my pump once baby Huey is here!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

We're Expecting!

After much thought, lots of planning and a year of marriage we decided to try and start our family. It took us a few months, because someone (not naming names) was a tad crazy and couldn't relax. But, on January 17 we found out that we are expecting our first child due Sept. 28, 2011! We couldn't be more excited and cannot wait to see our little one on February 16th at our first prenatal appointment with Dr. Kintner. All of my bloodwork has shown that we are progressing as we should be and everything seems right on track.

Fun fact: At 5 weeks our baby is the length of the tip of a pen and growing like a weed!